bargaining power

bargaining power
1) эк. рыночная власть (возможность продавца или покупателя оказывать влияние на ценообразование)
2) эк. тр. переговорная сила, сильная позиция при переговорах (возможность навязать свою волю работникам или работодателю при проведении коллективных переговоров)

Although the employer typically enjoys superior bargaining power, managers in firms must give some thought to how they can meet the baseline needs of employees whose skills are crucial to the firm's survival. — Хотя работодатель обычно обладает более серьезной переговорной силой при заключенни контрактов с работниками, менеджерам фирмы следует подумать о том, как они могут удовлетворить базовые потребности работников, чья ква-лификация имеет важнейшее значение для выживания фирмы.


Англо-русский экономический словарь.

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Смотреть что такое "bargaining power" в других словарях:

  • Bargaining power — is a concept related to the relative abilities of parties in a situation to exert influence over each other. If both parties are on an equal footing in a debate, then they will have equal bargaining power, such as in a perfectly competitive… …   Wikipedia

  • bargaining power — ➔ power1 * * * bargaining power UK US noun [U] ► the power that someone has in discussions with someone else to reach an agreement that is to their advantage: »If you are buying a new car with cash, you have great bargaining power. »As… …   Financial and business terms

  • bargaining power — noun : the relative capacity of each of the parties to a negotiation or dispute to compel or secure agreement on its own terms widespread unemployment is adding to employers bargaining power in their talks with the unions * * * ˈbargaining power… …   Useful english dictionary

  • bargaining power — noun a) The ability to influence the setting of prices or wages, usually arising from some sort of monopoly or monopsony position or a non equilibrium situation in the market. b) The general concept of how much leverage or influence a bargainer… …   Wiktionary

  • bargaining power — total advantages which one can offer in a negotiation …   English contemporary dictionary

  • bargaining power — / bɑ:gɪnɪŋ ˌpaυə/ noun the strength of one person or group when discussing prices or wage settlements …   Marketing dictionary in english

  • bargaining power — / bɑ:gɪnɪŋ ˌpaυə/ noun the strength of one person or group when discussing prices or wage settlements …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • power — pow·er n 1: capability of acting or of producing an effect parties of unequal bargaining power 2 a: authority or capacity to act that is delegated by law or constitution often used in pl. commerce power often cap C&P: the power delegated to… …   Law dictionary

  • power — ▪ I. power pow‧er 1 [ˈpaʊə ǁ paʊr] noun 1. [uncountable] the ability or right to control people, organizations, events etc: • I m against giving too much power to one man. power over • Congress s power over federal spending • He plans to resign …   Financial and business terms

  • power — pow|er1 W1S1 [ˈpauə US paur] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(control)¦ 2¦(government)¦ 3¦(influence)¦ 4¦(right/authority)¦ 5¦(ability)¦ 6¦(energy)¦ 7 earning/purchasing/bargaining etc power 8¦(strength)¦ 9¦(electricity)¦ 10 air/sea p …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • bargaining — bar|gain|ing [ˈba:gənıŋ US ˈba:r ] n [U] 1.) discussion in order to reach an agreement about a sale, contract etc = ↑negotiation wage/pay bargaining ▪ The government would not intervene in private sector wage bargaining. ▪ The 4% pay raise was… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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